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Silk Painting - Kits, Paints & Dyes and Accessories

Steam-fix Silk Dyes

H Dupont Deco Reco

H Dupont Deco Reco

With the Deco Reco range you can remove colour from dyed silks and add colour in the same action! Mix 20% of Decolorant with 80% of Epaissisant (thickener) and add the Deco Reco colour. Then paint, stamp, stencil or use a pipette to apply the mixture onto previously dyed silk. Allow to dry then steam-fix, and your new design will appear.

You can use the mixture without adding Deco Reco paint if you wish remove the colour altogether leaving white, and you can also use it to adjust any mistakes. Try using it diluted in a spray bottle for a splatter effect!



Picture Code Name Size Price Add to Basket
H Dupont Deco Reco recolouring dye XDU050012 H Dupont Deco Reco recolouring dye 125ml Normally £11.80 Special Offer £2.95
H Dupont Epaissisant/thickener 250ml (4) DU720250 H Dupont Epaissisant/thickener 250ml (4) 250ml £9.75
H Dupont Deco Reco set of 5 colours (3) DUDRSET5 H Dupont Deco Reco set of 5 colours (3) 5 x 125ml Normally £59.00 Special Offer £14.75
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003