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Silk Painting - Kits, Paints & Dyes and Accessories

Jacquard Dye-na-flow - Jacquard Airfix NEW LOWER PRICE (5 left)

Jacquard Airfix NEW LOWER PRICE (5 left) An additive for Jacquard's Textile Colors, Neopaque and Dye-Na-Flow, as well as most other acrylic fabric paints. Use Airfix as a catalyst to fix colours when heat setting is not practical - it is ideal for items such as ties and umbrellas where ironing may be more difficult.

Add approximately 1 tsp per quart to any water-based fabric paint (or 3% by weight). Use mixture within six hours. Use only in well ventilated area and avoid skin contact. Wash hands well with soap and water.


JAC1191 Jacquard Airfix NEW LOWER PRICE (5 left) £12.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003