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HURT BOOKS & MAGAZINES - "Felt Animal Families" Corinne Lapierre HURT BOOK (5)

"Felt Animal Families" Corinne Lapierre HURT BOOK (5) Corinne Lapierre has written another delightful book of fabulous little felt creatures to sew. The book includes families of deer, raccoons, foxes, rabbits, bears and mice, all brought to life with cute outfits and fun accessories.

The animals are made using ready-made craft felt (Corinne uses a wool/viscose mix) that is easy to work with and soft to the touch, and they are hand-sewn using simple stitches.

Clear step-by-step instructions are provided for every project, accompanied by gorgeous photographs and Corinne's delightful illustrations, and there are same-size templates at the back of the book for all the animals, clothes and accessories.

BKCL03HURT "Felt Animal Families" Corinne Lapierre HURT BOOK (5) Normally £9.99 Special Offer £4.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003