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Eri or Peace Silk

Eri or Peace Silks Fibres and Fabrics - Eri Silk long fibre tops/roving (Ashima/Peace silk) 10g

Eri Silk long fibre tops/roving (Ashima/Peace silk) 10g These beautiful Eri Silk tops are made from the long fibre of the A grade cocoon, and has a beautiful sheen and a natural cream shade.

It is from Meghalaya, a state located in Northeast India. Eri silk is also known as ahimsa or Peace silk. The cocoons are reared in village houses and the silkmoth is allowed to naturally emerge from the cocoon. The cocoons are boiled to remove the sericin and then carded.


RSERI10 Eri Silk long fibre tops/roving (Ashima/Peace silk) 10g £2.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003