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Tie-dye and Shibori

Tie-dye and Shibori - Colourcraft AllInOne Tie Dye Kit - Brights

Colourcraft AllInOne Tie Dye Kit - Brights The AllInOne Tie Dye Kit contains everything needed to create projects from crumpled and swirl designs on T-shirts to colouring canvas shoes, bags and banners. The dye is very easy to use - just add warm water, apply to fabric, leave for 4-24 hours, rinse and dry. The fixative is already added to the dye.

The basics kit includes bright red, ultramarine, golden yellow, emerald green and black powder dyes in clear bottles with nozzles, gloves, rubber bands and a protective surface cover.

You can use the dye on natural fibres including cotton, linen, viscose, rayon, ramie, flax, hemp, jute, sisal and also silk.

COLTDB Colourcraft AllInOne Tie Dye Kit - Brights £18.31
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003