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Textile & Art Ideas for Children

Textile & Art Ideas for Children - Jacquard Cyanotype Sensitizer Set NEW LOWER PRICE

Jacquard Cyanotype Sensitizer Set NEW LOWER PRICE Cyanotype is an antique photographic process distinctive for producing Prussian blue monochromatic prints.

Jacquard’s Cyanotype Set makes DIY cyanotype printing as easy as can be. The chemistry comes premeasured in lightproof black bottles. Simply fill each bottle with water to create Stock Solutions A & B and mix the two in equal parts to create the cyanotype sensitizer. Coat fabric or paper with the sensitizer and, once dry, create prints by exposing to sunlight or UV (3-15 minutes, depending on conditions), using objects or a film negative to create an image. After exposure, prints are processed in a tray of cool water and allowed to air dry over about 24 hours; prints will oxidize to their final deep blue colour. To instantly oxidize the print to its final colour, submerge in a dilute bath of hydrogen peroxide after washing, then rinse and dry.

The set includes: Part A - Potassium Ferricyanide 0.8 oz/23.2 g Part B - Ferric Ammonium Citrate 1.9 oz/54.4 g Instructions

This set contains enough chemistry to make approximately sixty-five 8.5”x11” prints on paper or fifty 8.5”x11” prints on fabric, depending on the absorbency of the substrate.

JACJCY1100 Jacquard Cyanotype Sensitizer Set NEW LOWER PRICE £17.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003