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Screen Printing

Jacquard Screen Printing Inks - Jacquard Drawing Fluid 237ml/8oz

Jacquard Drawing Fluid 237ml/8oz For use with all water-based Screen Printing Inks. Formulated for safe and easy use with Jacquard's Screen Filler & Block Out solution. Use to create a positive stencil on a silk screen and to achieve a painterly effect.

Elevate screen in a horizontal position so the silk screen fabric is lifted above the tabletop, fabric-side down. Apply Screen Drawing Fluid to the screen in the areas you want to print. After the Screen Drawing Fluid has dried, coat the entire screen with Jacquards Screen Filler & Block Out. When the Screen Filler & Block Out has dried, spray cold water on both sides of the screen. The Screen Drawing Fluid will wash out and the Screen Filler & Block Out will remain. Allow the screen to dry before printing. Always use common sense and good housekeeping when using Jacquards products.


JACJSI2770 Jacquard Drawing Fluid 237ml/8oz £12.95
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003