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Screen Printing

Jacquard Screen Printing Inks - Jacquard Puff Additive for screenprinting 118ml (4) - NEW LOWER PRICE

Jacquard Puff Additive for screenprinting 118ml (4) - NEW LOWER PRICE Jacquard Puff Additive is used to increase the relief of prints on paper, fabric and other surfaces. Simply mix a little of the additive into your Jacquard Screen Ink (up to 20%), print as usual and then apply heat to your print - a heat tool is ideal. The microspheres in the Puff Additive expand with heat, giving you a raised print only after heating. Once puffed, the print is washfast and dry cleanable. You can also mix it with other fabric paints for the same effect.

Use on natural or synthetic fabric and paper, vinyl, metal and leather


JACJSI1300 Jacquard Puff Additive for screenprinting 118ml (4) - NEW LOWER PRICE £18.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003