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Screen Printing

Jacquard Screen Printing Inks - Jacquard Photo Emulsion & Diazo Sensitizer set 473ml/ 16oz NEW LOWER PRICE

Jacquard Photo Emulsion & Diazo Sensitizer set 473ml/ 16oz NEW LOWER PRICE Photo Emulsion is used with the Diazo Sensitizer to coat silk screens for photo imaging.

Fill Diazo Sensitizer bottle half full with water. Replace cap and shake well, then add to Photo Emulsion and stir thoroughly. Replace lid on Photo Emulsion and let sit for 1-2 hours. Coat screen and let dry. Keep screen away from all light before exposing. Store Photo Emulsion in cool dark place.

Use with care, not suitable for children.


JACJS3130 Jacquard Photo Emulsion & Diazo Sensitizer set 473ml/ 16oz NEW LOWER PRICE £29.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003