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Solubles, stabilisers and interfacings

Solubles and Tear-aways - Embroidery Backers - Vlieseline Embroidery Backer Set of 5 x A3 sheets

Vlieseline Embroidery Backer Set of 5 x A3 sheets A chance to try out embroidery backers to see which is best for you! With A3 sheets there is plenty to experiment with.

Each set contains:

Filmoplast H54, Solufix, Solufleece, Stitch-n-Tear and Fuse-n-Tear.

The uses and advantages of each can be seen in the enclosed brochure which is also in Italian, French and German.

5 sheets 29.7 x 42cm

VIL53594229 Vlieseline Embroidery Backer Set of 5 x A3 sheets Normally £16.50 Special Offer £15.50
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003