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Gift Ideas - Pebeo Marbling Initiation Set of 5 x 20ml colours & Base

Pebeo Marbling Initiation Set of 5 x 20ml colours & Base Marble on paper, light colour fabric, plaster, wood and cardboard with Pebeo Marbling colours.

The set includes 5 x 20ml bottles in Lemon Yellow, Bengal Pink, Cyan, Emerald Green and Black, along with an 18g bottle of Marbling Bath/Base.

Prepare a bath with the Marbling Bath ( 1 litre of water to 3 teaspoons of base). Drop the colours on the surface of the bath, make your pattern and place your item on the surface to transfer the design. The water-based colours can be mixed to create your own shades.

Iron for 5 minutes on the back of the fabric, without steam in the cotton position, or 5 minutes at 150 °C in the oven.

Pebeo has new eco packaging for their kits - the outside are recyclable card, and the interior boxes are made from sturdy recycled cardboard.

5 x 20ml & 18g base

PEB756495 Pebeo Marbling Initiation Set of 5 x 20ml colours & Base Normally £14.15 Special Offer £11.25
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003