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Art Quilting Studio (quarterly) - Art Quilting Studio Autumn 2023 (10)

Art Quilting Studio Autumn 2023 (10) Whether you stitch by hand or machine, with fabrics or paper, join the publishers on this journey to explore the joy of quilting.

Explore Tonna Zieske’s landscape art in the Artist Portfolio.

Stephanie Shore shares her “Fragments” series in the Series Showcase.

Discover the creativity behind Mary Elmusa’s paper quilts.

Ann Huhn-Anderson transforms pillows into quilted masterpieces.

Grab a cup of coffee and check out Elaine Quehl’s “Conversations Over Coffee” series.

Heidi Proffetty gives us a peek at her portrait mosaic quilts.

Uncover the beauty of frayed edges with Karolina B?kowska.

MAGAQS23AU Art Quilting Studio Autumn 2023 (10) Normally £15.99 Special Offer £10.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003