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Gift Ideas - Jacquard Lumiere Fabric Paints Set of 6 Classic Colours

Jacquard Lumiere Fabric Paints Set of 6 Classic Colours 6 full-size bottles of this popular fabric paint, in metallic and pearlised colours, in Metallic Gold, Metallic Olive Green, Metallic Silver, Super Copper, Metallic Bronze, Pearlescent White.

These stunning light-bodied paints brush on smoothly and are formulated to last. The won't crack, peel or chip, are soft to the touch and washfast on fabric. They are lightfast and weather-resistant, and their high pigmenation provides excellent coverage even on dark surfaces.

Use on natural and synthetic fabrics, leather, wood, canvas, vinyl, plastic, rubber, clay, paper and more.

6 x 70ml bottles

JAC5000 Jacquard Lumiere Fabric Paints Set of 6 Classic Colours Normally £47.70 Special Offer £37.50
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003