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Fabric Paints, Crayons & Pens

Jacquard Paints - Jacquard Textile Colors set of 8 Flourescent paints

Jacquard Textile Colors set of 8 Flourescent paints Textile Colors can be applied straight from the bottle with a brush, applicator bottle or stamp. The colour is intense and semi-opaque. When diluted with water or Colorless Extender they produce beautiful transparencies. These colours leave your fabric as soft as possible.

Heatfix and colourfast on natural or synthetic fabrics, and can also be used on leather, wood and paper.

Techniques include painting, block printing, mono printing, stenciling and stamping.

Pack contains full-size 70ml bottles of Black, Fluorescent Yellow, Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescent Red, Fluorescent Blue, Fluorescent Green and Fluorescent Violet.

JAC1005T Jacquard Textile Colors set of 8 Flourescent paints Normally £43.92 Special Offer £34.65
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003