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Stocking Fillers £10 and under - Hawthorn Handmade - Christmas Wool Creativity Bundle (2)

Hawthorn Handmade - Christmas Wool Creativity Bundle (2) Spark your creative imagination with this felting wool bundle. 5 festive shades of British wool roving.

The wool bundles are the perfect partner to add colour to your felting projects and some woolly texture to your weaving. Ideal if you've done a bit of needle felting or weaving but are now looking to create your own projects and flex your creative skills!

Each bundle comes in a clear box so you can easily find the colour you need, and the box is made from a minimum of 60% waste material and is 100% recyclable.

The bundle contains approximately 20g each of:

Blue Faced Leicester (White) Blue Faced Leicester (Green) Shetland (Poppy) Shetland (Berry) Shetland (Blue)

Approx 100g

HAWWBCH Hawthorn Handmade - Christmas Wool Creativity Bundle (2) Normally £12.00 Special Offer £5.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003