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Gel Plates, Lino Cutting & Block Printing

Gel Plates - Gelli Arts Card Printing Kit SOLD OUT

Gelli Arts Card Printing Kit SOLD OUT The kit contains everything you need to start printing immediately!

It includes: 5x5” gel printing plate, Acrylic Paint (3 colours in 1 oz. bottles), 4” roller, 5 x 5x5” blank cards, 2 foam sheets, 12 x 5x5” parchment paper, Bubble wrap, Yarn, Punchinella. You will need to supply envelopes.

Suitable for ages 8+.

GACKIT Gelli Arts Card Printing Kit SOLD OUT Normally £36.00 Special Offer £29.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003