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H Dupont Creative Colours range

H Dupont Creative Colours range - H Dupont Classique Steam-fix Dyes 125ml - set of 4 basic colours OUT OF STOCK

H Dupont Classique Steam-fix Dyes 125ml - set of 4 basic colours  OUT OF STOCK A bottle each of 221 Cyan Blue, 460 Magenta, 717 Jaune Primaire and 100 Noir Concentre (Cyan Blue, Magenta, Primary Yellow and Concentrated Black) the ideal basics for mixing colours.

Dupont dyes are used by many professional and amateur painters, and are well-known for their high quality and beautiful colour range.

They need to be steam-fixed in a steamer, or can be used for abstract effects in the microwave.

4 x 125ml

DU1004 H Dupont Classique Steam-fix Dyes 125ml - set of 4 basic colours OUT OF STOCK Normally £39.00 Special Offer £33.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003