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H Dupont Creative Colours range

H Dupont Creative Colours range - H Dupont Liquid Cold Batik Wax 250ml - Cire Liquid a Froid (6)

H Dupont Liquid Cold Batik Wax 250ml - Cire Liquid a Froid (6) Liquid wax, ready for use, does not require heating. Applies as a traditional wax with a brush, sponge, stamp... all the techniques of traditional batik.

During trials we found that this product washes out excellently, and you can achieve fine line definition, especially using a pipette for fine lines. This product gives a minimal cracked effect. If your fabric is thick please test it first to make sure that the wax goes through.

Instructions translated from the bottle:

It can be used in a pipette like a gutta to obtain very fine details. Allow to dry before colouring. To remove it, simply scratch the surface of the fabric with a flexible knife. To remove any residues of wax, iron between two sheets of newspaper. Fix the colours. Clean tools with hot water.


DU0800250 H Dupont Liquid Cold Batik Wax 250ml - Cire Liquid a Froid (6) Normally £25.50 Special Offer £22.40
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003