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Gift Ideas - "The New Sashiko" Sashikonami NEW

"The New Sashiko" Sashikonami NEW An innovative new style of sashiko from a leading embroidery and patchwork artist.

Prolific embroiderer, quilter and author sashikonami combines her love of sashiko with her fondness for piecework to create a whole new style of sashiko stitches and applications. Some of these patchworks give you a chance to play with patterns, colours and textures to create strikingly original bags, pouches, tableware and accessories.

BKSASH "The New Sashiko" Sashikonami NEW Normally £14.99 Special Offer £11.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003