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Feltmaking and Silk Papermaking Books - "First Time Felting" by Ruth Lane (4)

"First Time Felting" by Ruth Lane (4) In First Time Felting, felting and fibre expert Ruth Lane guides absolute beginners step by step through three key felting methods. The book starts with an overview of the various types of wool fibers used for felting, preparing them for the process, and simple methods for dyeing. Lane then covers the essential supplies and basic techniques for wet felting, nuno felting, and needle felting and offers accessible projects for embellished fashion, three-dimensional figures, and more that readers will use to develop their skills and create their own original felted pieces.

BKRULA01 "First Time Felting" by Ruth Lane (4) Normally £12.99 Special Offer £9.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003