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HURT BOOKS & MAGAZINES - "The Complete Machine Embroidery Manual" Liz Keegan (3) HURT BOOK

"The Complete Machine Embroidery Manual" Liz Keegan (3) HURT BOOK Get the most from your machine with embroidery designs and inbuilt decorative stitches.

This book will get sewing machine users thinking about machine embroidery, using ready-made designs, in a whole new light. It provides everything you need to know, from the types and formats of embroidery design available, how to get them off the internet and into your machine, how to stabilize fabric, which threads and needles to use to get the best results, and of course how to use these designs creatively for beautiful results. It will also help you make the most of the built-in embroidery stitches that most sewing machines offer, but which are mostly forgotten about!

Also included is an invaluable quick reference section, with expert advice on troubleshooting some common problems, and a guide to what to look for if you are thinking of buying one of these fabulous machines.

BKLIKEHURT "The Complete Machine Embroidery Manual" Liz Keegan (3) HURT BOOK Normally £14.99 Special Offer £7.49
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003