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d4daisy textile books - "Approaches to Stitch : 6 artists" edited Maggie Grey (OUT OF STOCK)

"Approaches to Stitch : 6 artists" edited Maggie Grey (OUT OF STOCK) This book looks at the work of six textile artists - Ro Bruhn, Elizabeth Brimelow, Ruth Lee, Sian Martin, Olga Norris and Beryl Taylor. Their work ranges from quilting, stitching, mixed media and journalling, and each is an expert in her own field. Each artist talks about her work and then expands on this so that the reader will be able to try a technique (or two) for themselves which they can then adapt and develop as a base for their own experiments.

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BKATS "Approaches to Stitch : 6 artists" edited Maggie Grey (OUT OF STOCK) Normally £16.00 Special Offer £11.99
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003