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Embroidery, Quilting, Sewing & Embellishment Books - "Beginner's Guide to Silk Ribbon Embroidery" Ann Cox (6)

"Beginner's Guide to Silk Ribbon Embroidery" Ann Cox (6) Over one hundred step-by-step photographs show how to create exquisite, delicately embroidered silk ribbon flowers, using a surprisingly small number of stitches.

Learn how to create flowers including foxgloves, roses, hydrangeas, delphiniums, primroses, geraniums, irises, poppies... and much more.

All the techniques are explained in detailed step-by-step sequences. This is a best-selling, timeless classic redesigned for modern embroiderers, and is suitable for beginners and more experienced embroiderers, with clear, step-by-step instructions.

This product is lightweight for postage.

BKANCO01 "Beginner's Guide to Silk Ribbon Embroidery" Ann Cox (6) Normally £6.99 Special Offer £5.59
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003