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Fabric Painting, Dyeing & Surface Decoration Books - "The Wild Dyer" Abigail Booth

"The Wild Dyer" Abigail Booth In The Wild Dyer, Abigail Booth will take you on a journey - teaching you the foundations of natural dyeing and guiding you through simple stitch techniques that will allow you to create 15 exquisite projects. Focusing on how to find, grow or gather your own dyeing materials, from onion and avocado skins to chamomile and comfrey, nettles and acorns - as well as scouring, mordanting (using fixative) and setting up a dye vat, she explains how to create effective dyes. And then you can use your dye fabrics to produce textiles that are not only beautiful and contemporary but will last the test of time. Projects include a drawstring forager's bag, an apron, samplers, cushions and a reversible patchwork blanket.

BKABBO01 "The Wild Dyer" Abigail Booth Normally £16.99 Special Offer £13.50
New Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 727003